So I haven't been completely blog-less in the past days since I started school. I have started two posts before this one which remain 'unposted' because they aren't complete yet (I don't know if they ever will be). I wanted to post because I have had this nagging feeling inside of me to post something here and not in my head or my moleskin (which I haven't been writing much in either...).
I've had a lot of trouble with school starting, not getting the classes I had planned all summer for, getting new ones, meeting old friends, dealing with drama, trying to remain social with EVERYONE, doing school work, going to work-work (and not get fired for charging 700$ worth of express cards by accident... whoops...), talking to family, spending time with grandma while mom and dad are away for anniversary, and trying to get sleep.
I'm failing at most (if not all) of these things and need a break where I can organize my thoughts, rest, sleep on some things, and just relax for one day. The last time I did that... feels like ages ago. And it is only Mid-September-ish!
I've been very mad at myself for not having the ability to write creatively recently. I'm going to have to use that relaxation day and dedicate a portion to creatively writing poetry or (what I've been trying to do since forever) create a short story.