Is there such thing as individuality?
Individuality is something that distinguishes us from someone else.
But what if we aren't individuals?
We are trained to be as individual as possible.
At least in modern society.
Even now I am constructing something based upon my cultural struture.
How individual is that?
There is no benefit from individuality for a society.
If everyone were to become uniform and focus on their objective we would prosper.
There would be no thoughts against one another because without one we aren't a whole.
I'm getting off track tring to be on track.
Or maybe this is my mind secretly evading this subject because I have been trained to think. My mind had been manipulated into thinking that society is good. Or maybe my inner self knows that this is just more than an empty feeling. Could it be that there was something beyond this democracy that was much better?
Democracy has been shown to rise and fall quickly. As a philosopher once theorized, a democracy eventually evolves into a communist dictatorship. If you don't understand how this could possibly happen, let me enlighten you:
The Fall of Democracy in a Nutshell
First we start with the beginning. We are all happy with electing officials and owning our own buisnesses. This is a nice little democracy we have going. Slowly though, larger companies evolve out of the smaller ones. This causes a fall in the amount of private buisnesses that the consumers can look toward and they end up purchasing from these larger companies. Eventually this turns into our classic Walmart situation where there are loads of big companies but few small, private ones. Now that most of the small companies are extinguished, the bigger ones start buying each other out. This leaves us with a few enormous companies that pretty much govern what we buy at what price. This causes a roit amonst the people and the government is forced to take control over these big companies so that items can be distrubited in an economically profitable way. With this evolution comes the change from democracy to socialists where there is no longer a president that governs the country, but a group of elected officials. This goes on for a while until an event occurs... let's say a war breaks out. Amongst the elected officials comes the rise of a single leader, the dictator, and takes hold of the country. Thus we have come to communism where the dictator tells us "Who will go and who will stay" in a basic sense.
So we fear not only other economies, but our own too. In the end wasn't it simpler to be just a small group of villages or city states? Unfortunatly, humanity has a basic instinct we cannot escape. The need for unity.
We can all get together and have a party, but it wouldn't be as fun if the same people came around all the time. Trade routes would eventually develop and goods exchanged for nessesities. The conductivity of this would spark a new urge to join with these other people, the "grass is greener on the other side" theory we all follow by.
Even now people go back to ancient religious views shared by their ancestors... but how does that fulfill them? All they are doing is revisiting an old way of life. Isn't the purpose of life to be individualized? Unique?! AH!
This culture thing is getting to my brain. Its like one of those alien-babies from Alien. It attached to your face and stays there until it plants itself inside of you so it can feast of your body until it can live on its own. That is a democracy. An alien trying to use us until we can't be used anymore. Go visit the elderly sometime and ask them how retirement is. How would you feel if you had to sit around all day with no one to talk to except other old people? There had better be something for me to do when I get that old.
In other cultures being old was a gift! Oh god, they get treated with such respect and reverance just because they survived life. Those old people are always the ones that get it good.
Old people should learn how to use the internet.
Then again, when I am as old as them I wouldn't want to think about trying to learn something new all over again like I did for my entire life every-single-day.
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