I was heavier on the other side of the door. That small, tin heart was suppose to be the very thing that was holding me back. Now I am weighed by... life. I am alive, reborn and no more a ghost in the play. But a new feeling has begun. I am alone. On the other side of the door there was suppose to be more than this or maybe that was just what I had hoped there would be. I will not pinch myself. Pinching yourself is like telling yourself you exist. Someone else must be the pincher.
A brief scent of flame reaches my nose. I move without thinking, eager to find more life. All I find is another door. Traveling through a door is what got me here in the first place. Traveling through another wouldn't do me much good. There were probably a thousand doors on the other side leading in all directions and I could easily be lost. Forever. I begin to ponder and soon realize waiting is not an option. I must make a choice. Explore or wait. Live or die. Now. I push open the door and step inside.
I am backstage. There is no one else but me. I feel ashamed, but my foresight begins to touch everything within reach. So many props and costumes lay scattered across the floor as if the actors had simply vanished. My hands refuse to touch any of these false prophecies. Only one item remains untouched by the curse. A single page in a far corner tucked away from the untrained eye. I eagerly grasp it. Maybe a sign left to guide me to them. A map to the ultimate treasure. In disappointment I begin to realize that this is nothing but part of a script.
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