Sorry I haven't posted in a while. It's been rough.
I am finally getting done with school. Today is my last "exam" of the semester and due is a huge paper I'm only partially completed with and Tuesday there are 3-4 papers each 2-3 pages in length...
I don't really know how I'm alive.
I'm really tired all the time. I go home as often as I can, and yet that doesn't feel like enough. When I slot a time in for my Mom she makes me feel bad when I have to leave... and it makes me upset. I don't know what I'm suppose to be doing.
I'm tired a lot. I haven't had a real day of boredom yet. I need one so bad. I want bored. My whole face feels tired all the time, like a mask of exhaustion had been placed over my whole face and senses.
At work I just got a promotion to shift supervisor, which allows me a short nap in the morning while working. But is that really enough? And this symptom can't be cured with a pill or a day off. It just can't. I need to have a vacation I think.
Anime Boston is coming up, but how much sleep do you think I'm going to get during that? And it's not that I'm not entertained by anything. Heck, I can't turn once in my room without finding a million things to do. It's just that. There are too many things TO do.
OH btw, I finally got that stinkin' Yinyang Robe thanks to the efforts of my brother. He got it for me by winning it while I was unable to attend. It was one of those "Oh shit" moments in Final Fantasy where it just kicked that much ass. I mean, this item is literally unmatched in FFXI for a Summoner. The best. Amazing.
And yet I can't even find time to use it. Now I"m my bro's Nyzle Isle whore since he got that robe for me. It's ok though, it is a lot of fun! And I get to flash my new YYR while kicking ass and taking names.
What else... I recently tried to fix a friends' PS3. I almost had success... until I found out the problem was with a 100$ piece of hardware that Sony broke on a lot of PS3s when they launched version 2.7x for the OS it runs. For Sony to fix it for you it is 150$ flat rate, so they add maintenance, shipping, etc. I just feel bad for the friend :( no PS3 and a 400$ DVD player...not even backwards compatible....
I'm sorry to everyone I've lost touch with in recent months. I am just tired. I hope you understand that. I haven't forgotten you in the slightest. I just need time to rest.
I get jealous every time a cruise commercial comes on TV and the part comes where they say, "Or you could just do nothing at all!"
1000$+ for a week of nothing would be amazing. And expensive. <(-.-)>
I hope I do well on exams... but I am not going to fail or do uber poorly in anything (i think) woot!
and my grammar is failing...
I'll post something more substantial and less insomniatic at a later time.
Good night!
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