
benefiCently gig ohM sTorm

The boy sat alone in the darkness. He couldn't hear the voices anymore. Light was filtering in through the window on the far side of the room. The rising sun reached into the small room revealing a set of bunk-beds, one opened chest, and toys scattered across the floor. The minature models of cars, robots, and people were abandoned in awkward positions. There was no more play left within them. In the streaming light dust danced with itself within the silence only broken by the soft breathing coming from within the closet.



Life as a child was simple. It was less violent and more of a 'living for the next day' mentality. As we grow up, the time we live for grows longer and longer, a week ahead turns into months and then years. SOon enough we start thinking about retirement without any care in the world for tomorrow. Actually the truth is we ARE thinking about tomorrow. We think too much about tomorrow. Tomorrow is so planned out that we can't live without a tomorrow planned out! Even our weekends and vacations are planned to the hour. This is a way to 'maximize' potential resting time, but isn't this what we are trying to escape? Every time my relatives come over they try to not 'plan' anything so that they can do what they want. In the end it turns into what is everyone else doing and they end up planning to include us. I think a cruise would be a good way to release someone from the bonds of planning, but the problem there is that you are on the boat's schedule. No matter where you look there is always scheduling. One of my good friends just told me he likes to "Leave the weekends open to change" or "Not have anything planned" which turns into them staying home all day doing absolutely nothing. Is that a childish act? Does the need to remain "unplanned" paralell to the need to retreat into our childish past? Again with old people, I admire them. They are at the end of their lives and still they have to plan according to the world around them. They don't want to do anything anymore except be with other people and not be judged (in my personal opinion). I was just talking to this older woman the other day and recieved word from a friend that she couldn't believe I talked to her like I did. Not in a bad way... but I talked to her like she was just some ordinary person I would find around the states. Actually I shouldn't say that. People change dynamiclly depending upon their region. This older woman was from the North-Eastern part of the country. She lives in an apartment complex for old people.