
The Big W

What is the big W?  It could be one of a variety of things.  I prefer to make it simple.  Identify the problem and attack directly. 

So where do I begin? 

It all started when the big W became something more than a special talent that I figured could carry me a while through my education and future careers.  It was more than something that I found lying on the side of my garbage.  It described me: the past, the present, and the unobtainable future.  It was something I could use for my own success, but I never meant for it to get this way.

The tumultuous W that has invaded my life has begun to grow like a stale weed in my flower bed of dreams.  It is growing out of control and is choking everything around it.  There isn't enough weed killer in the world to end it. 

It just won't end.

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